Thank you for visiting my website! It is a work in progress, so please let me know if you have suggestions for things you would especially like me to add.
In addition to children’s librarianship and writing, I also travel across the country speaking to teachers and librarians about ways to make literature come alive for children and sharing techniques for building early literacy skills through puppetry and props.
Storytime with Baby Bear at Stillwater Public Library
Baby Bear’s Snow Show: Poetry with Props —
“Bear in There” by Shel Silverstein

Baby Bear’s Story Kitchen: Shadow Drum —
“Things” by Eloise Greenfield and
“The Dream Keeper” by Langston Hughes

Baby Bear’s Story Shorts: Song with Box Puppet -
“Aiken Drum”

Baby Bear’s Story Kitchen: Read-Aloud —
Amy Wu and the Perfect Bao by Kat Zhang,
illustrated by Charlene Chua